
Jul 20, 2005

Translating Spirituality Into Real Life: An interview with the late Sufi master, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan died on June 17th [2004] at the age of 87 (see our online memorial). Lawrence Pintak interviewed Pir Vilayat and wrote this article in 2000. "The whole quest of Sufism…

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Jan 01, 2005

Arab Media in the Vortex

(Winter 2005) "Anyone who tells you they are not scared silly is lying,” retired Annahar publisher Ghassan Tueni, the living symbol of Lebanese media independence, said in mid-autumn as we…

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Nov 09, 2004

Toward a Self-Interested U.S. Policy on Palestine

Published on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 by The death of the father of Palestinian nationalism. The re-election of a U.S. president widely reviled in the Middle East. A confluence of…

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Aug 27, 2004

Dangerous Delusions: Advertising Nonsense about Advertising America

27 August 2004 The question of how the U.S. communicates its message to the Muslim world is arguably the most vital issue facing the nation today. It is therefore deeply disturbing when the debate…

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Jul 28, 2004

Severed Head in the Freezer, Favorability Ratings in the Toilet

Published on Wednesday, July 28, 2004 by Is that laughter I hear echoing from the mountains of Baluchistan? The latest survey results out of the Middle East show that…

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Apr 09, 2004

Osama’s Wet Dream: Losing Hearts & Minds in Iraq and Beyond

Published on Friday, April 9, 2004 by Operation Resolute Sword. That�s what the U.S. military in Iraq is calling its effort to crush rebellious Shi�ite forces. Osama bin Laden…

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Apr 05, 2004

Taking on the Shi’ites: How America is Creating a Powerful New Enemy

Published on Monday, April 5, 2004 by The eruption of bloody clashes between Iraqi Shi�ites and Coalition forces, combined with a threat from Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon…

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Mar 24, 2004

Political Islam’s Democratic Face

Published on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 by Even as militant Islamists from Spain to Pakistan command headlines, the White House once more inflames Muslim opinion, and the Bush…

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Mar 17, 2004

The terrorists cast their votes

March 17, 2004 Terrorism this week won a victory that has potentially disastrous implications for the United States in the coming months. Monday's defeat of Spain's Popular Party…

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Jan 01, 2004

The Release Valve of Muslim Democracy: Southeast Asia’s Emerging Model

GLOBAL DIALOGUE Volume 6 ● Number 1–2 ● Winter/Spring 2004—Islam and Democracy Even as militant Islamists from Europe to the Philippines command headlines and the Bush administration feeds…

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Oct 23, 2003

Lessons of Beirut Lost in Baghdad

Published on Thursday, October 23, 2003 by the Detroit Free Press It all seemed so simple. Send in U.S. forces. Free and protect the local population. Install a pro-Western government acceptable to…

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Oct 20, 2003

Arabs and Democracy: Bush May Not Like It At Home

Published on Monday, October 20, 2003 by It is one of the ironies of post-911 America. The very sense of isolation and alienation felt by Arab-Americans in the wake of the World…

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