
Jun 02, 2001

Balancing Business With Buddha: More and more executives and entrepreneurs are bringing the dharma to the art of the deal

June 2001 The wise and moral man Shines like a fire on a hilltop Who does not hurt the flower. Such a man makes his pile As an anthill, gradually Grown wealthy, he thus And firmly binds his friends…

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May 17, 2001

For(d) the Birds: Yahoo Ads (May 16, 2001) Cynics have been saying for years that Internet advertising is for the birds. Now Yahoo has proven them right. And in the process, it may have set a new course for the…

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May 09, 2001

A is for Apple, B is for Broadband: Ad agencies getting a course in Streaming 101 (May 8, 2001) They didn't have to raise their hands to go to the bathroom, but the ad executives who gathered in a Chicago conference room not long ago were definitely back in…

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May 04, 2001

Radio Silence: Streaming technology companies big winners in AFTRA online radio dispute (May 3, 2001) Loyal online listeners clicking on the "listen live" link on the web site of New York's WABC in the past few weeks have been greeted by this notice:…

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Apr 26, 2001

Getting Rich on the Downturn: Ad industry woes giving rich media a shot-in-the-arm (April 25, 2001) When Merrill Lynch's advertising gurus recently decided they wanted to run a flight of rich media ads on financial web site beginning later that…

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Apr 22, 2001

Conferences in the Mist: How trade show producers are coping with the downturn (April 21, 2001) Newspapers are reeling, dot coms are tottering and ad agencies are bleeding, but in the midst of what is quickly becoming the Great Media Meltdown, Internet tradeshow…

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Apr 15, 2001

Markets Within Markets: Online minority consumers are not just divided by ethnicity (April 14, 2001) When most people think ethnic markets, they think niches. But as the latest census findings demonstrate, the nation's "minorities" are quickly becoming…

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Apr 08, 2001

Black & White and Read All Over: Minority-focused Internet sites reaching booming new markets (April 7, 2001) News organizations in the past few weeks have been busy reporting that the latest census figures show a huge increase in the nation's Hispanic and Asian…

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Apr 05, 2001

Eyes on the Prize: Keeping fingers off “delete” is the challenge for rich emailers (April 4, 2001) One hundred billion. That's how many opt-in, or permission, emails American will receive this year. Throw in another 62 billion spam messages and you're…

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Mar 29, 2001

Rich Emailers See Opportunity in Advertising Adversity: But do the solutions measure up? (March 28, 2001) It has been, in a word, disaster. The current downturn in ad spending has agencies, publishers and the folks who serve them scrambling for cover. Layoffs have become a…

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Mar 22, 2001

Beyond the Hype: The challenge of finding “solutions” that actually work

March 21, 2001 The ideas are often brilliant; the potential huge. But advertisers and ad agencies evaluating new online "solutions" too often find that the marketing pitch outshines the…

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Mar 15, 2001

The Era of the Big Boys? One-stop shopping offers simplicity in confused landscape

March 14, 2001 When Compaq recently awarded a major account to FCB San Francisco, one key reason was the agency's interactive capabilities. "FCB was told by their client how thrilled they…

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